The bloody migrant is my namesake and he is completely nuts. He went to the UK when he was fed up with Venezuela as he thought that marvels from the Venezuelan revolutions were not for him or his family. His stories are similar to mine because he likes to plagiarize my reality.
English version Crime and no punisment
Original Crimen sin castigo
One of the first books Fabrizio read was crime and punishment by Dostoevsky. So he wanted to write his own version of a story with that name, but he changed the title because his character did not feel lots of guilt after commiting the crime and perform his own killing. By the way he managed to get away with it so his story cannot be named as the epomynous book.

The impostor and his farce
As you know by reading the previous story, Fabrizio is a lunatic. However, he claims that his managers are very arrogant and if you are crazy enough you may think that he has a point. Here he shows how he managed to survive when his English speaking skills were underdeveloped and if you are a foreigner in the UK will know that nothing is more exaggerated than the reality itself. However the story is true, except for the bits that are not, which we don´t know which they are.
The translator of this story was Stella Heath, who claims to be British but I have no evidence of this as she speaks Spanish like a native.
Zimani, the monster
This chapter apparently is about monster Zimani, which at the begining looks very mischievus but later another mounster appears and she is really malevolent. However later you will discover that the story is about every social worker who has to deal with managers who believe in project managing and Fabrizio, my sakename, has found many of this bugs in life and wanted to make fun of them by telling a story which he think is orginal but as always he has plagiarized reality in a way which has not been discoverd by any scientist in the world.
English version Two questions for Mamostá
Original Dos preguntas a Mamostá

Original Uvas y desventuras
This chapter is very depressing so to avoid anybody to commit suicide has not been translated to English. It´s about something that can be read in Spanish and if you want to read it, you will need to learn that language.
The reader can see here how horrible is to work in low wage britain when you are a bloody foreigner like Fabrizio.
English version not available yet
Original Susto y gusto de galleta

Message from Carlos
It´s the first chapter and is about the death and resurrection of Fabrizio. It´s the only oportunity for the reader to understand the messages he received from the after life.
In Spanish Fabrizio, my namesake, said that he wanted to make fun of the lawyers and judges of the UK, but we don´t understand why. The translator who wanted to mortify his fellow nationals with an English version is Derrek Ross
English version Meeting with the goddess
Original Encuentro con la diosa

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